Because innovation outpaces security, Infosec has been a passive bystander shuffling debt issuances around like someone processing subprime mortgages and rating it Triple A when the first payment cannot even be made. The industry ships apps everyday with substandard access control that do not reliably authenticate or authorize users, much less deal actively malicious actors.
Technical debt measures the necessary work that does not get shipped in a release. Taking on too much debt is like borrowing too much money, it might work but once things begin to go against you its hard to recover because you are not in a position of strength. As Warren Buffett says, "You don't know who is swimming naked until the tide goes out."
Its important to note that Technical debt for security is not a passive thing, there are people actively looking to find and exploit your Technical debt.
As of now, the Information Security Technical Debt Clock (appropriately implemented in Javascript) shows 17 years (or 6,517 days) since the internet's foundation security architetcure of Network Firewalls and SSL were deployed. Since then we've been waiting for identity, authentication, authorization, and logging standards (de facto or otherwise).
The reason why playing catch up is not good enough in Mobile is one that will be familiar to my clients - the Mobile Use Cases are too important to screw up.
The security industry skated by the whole history of the Web on a security architecture past its sell by date, but at first it did not matter. Go way back to the mid 90s, what kind of apps were being deployed? Mostly brochureware. It took years to get to dynamic, data driven sites, and then years to get to profitable, transactional sites ( anyone?). Point being - early Web was cool as hell, but it was a giant science project followed by a hype bubble. The fact that Infosec did not move quickly enough to deal with the security issues was too bad, but at the same time not a systemic failure because the arly Web Use Cases were low risk brochureware.
Most companies just dipped their toe in the water, and security incrementally figured out how to deal with SQL Injection, XSS, and so on in an iterative process. But there was time to do this in most cases.
Mobile is different
The first generation Mobile Use Cases are most certainly not dipping toes in water, they are diving in head first (and perhaps a lifeguard may not be present)! Doctors with iPads, brokerage applications, and pretty much the whole remote work force pinging your mainframe from who knows where. This has the makings of a bad cycle of events for security. Infosec is used to playing catch up because the technology moves fast but the business will take awhile to roll things out. Not in Mobile, the backend hooks are largely already there, just need to find the right Web services to call and write an iOS and Android front and dive right in the deep end.
Wait and see what happens is not good enough any more, Infosec needs to act now and get in front of the Mobile security issues. Take a hard look at the Use Cases you are deploying on Mobile, this is 1.0 technology running High Risk Use Cases, your Mobile Security architecture and implementation cannot be patch and pray.
Mind the Gap: Compare the risk level of what's being deployed to the robustness and assurance of your mobile security. Its time to invest: learning ways towards building a more resilient security foundation.
Come join two leading experts, Gunnar Peterson and Ken van Wyk, for a Mobile App Security Training - hands on iOS and Android security, in San Jose, California, on November 5-7, 2012.
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